Vitamin D Deficiency

The Vitamin D Test (Fingerstick Whole blood) is used as a self-test to determine the level of Vitamin D in the blood. Vitamin D helps regulate the amount of calcium and phosphate in the body. These nutrients are needed to keep bones, teeth and muscles healthy.

  • Fingerstick whole blood
  • Clinically Tested Accuracy > 94.4%
  • Easy to Use
  • Rapid Result in 10 min.

Test Overview


  • weakness
  • early fatigue or tiredness
  • muscle aches and pains
  • bone pain or fracturing bones without much force

A lot of people with vitamin D deficiency will not have any symptoms.


Vitamin D is often said to be used for healthy bones and healthy teeth. This is true, however Vitamin D is used by many other processes in the body. Having adequate levels of Vitamin D will increase muscle strength, improve the immune system, reduce falls risks and improve mood and energy levels.
There are two main sources of vitamin D - food and sunlight. Foods that contain vitamin D include sardines, tuna, salmon, egg yolks, red meat and liver.
The UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey from 2008-2012 showed 23% of adults aged 19–64 years and 21% of adults aged 65 years and over suffered from vitamin D deficiency. Another survey which concluded in 2019 showed that from a population of nearly 6.5 million people, 1/3rd of people were deficient in Vitamin D.
A lot of people with vitamin D deficiency will not have any symptoms.Sometimes the symptoms might be very vague. Below are some of the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency:
  • Tiredness
  • Feeling generally unwell
  • Bone pain
  • Muscle aches
  • Joint pain
  • Low mood
The National Institute of Clinical Excellence puts the following people in the high-risk category of being vitamin D deficient:
  • Over 65 year olds
  • Those with low exposure to the sun. This may be due to due to cultural reasons, those who are housebound, or those who are confined to the indoors for long periods
  • Those with darker skin pigmentation
  • Those who have had certain types of abdominal surgery which makes them less able to absorb vitamin D.
  • Those with severe liver or kidney disease
  • Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Those who have a body mass index (BMI) greater than 30 kg/m2
It’s very difficult to get enough Vitamin D from sunlight in the UK. That's why the UK government recommends people in the UK take vitamin D supplements during the winter months.
It’s recommended that all UK adults take 10 micrograms (400 International Units) a day from October to March. If you fall into one of the high-risk categories above, it is advised that you take a vitamin D supplement of 10 micrograms (400 International Units) a day all year round.
If you suffer from high calcium levels or some cancers, you should not take vitamin D supplements. Vitamin D supplements should also be taken with caution in patients on some heart medications and some blood pressure medications. If you are on any medications for these then speak with your doctor before starting Vitamin D supplements. People with kidney disease, liver disease and those who suffer from kidney stones should also seek medical advice from their doctor before starting Vitamin D supplements.